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Top Questions

Will I feel better straight after a sports massage?

Often you can feel slightly worse, it can take a day or two until you get the full benefits of sports massage. Its important to drink plenty of water and flush all the toxins that we have released through deep tissue work out of the body.

How should I prepare for my first treatment?

To get the most out of massage it is best to be as toxin free as possible so try not to have a hangover before treatment.

What should I expect from my first session?

Your first session we will run through any contraindications to treatment, what areas are of concern to you and what you want to achieve from your massage.

Its important to let me know if the pressure is to painful at any point and I will check with you throughout to make sure its just right for you.

What are the benefits of massage?

The massage techniques I use are mainly to lengthen and stretch and break down tight muscles from training and injury. Unless you have opted for a more relaxing aromatherapy treatment. Which is a more holistic experience, I will always ask if you don't mind if I work deeply on tight muscles though as that will offer the best long term effectiveness.

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